
In April, Kingston University announced the closure to new applicants of its BA Politics, Human Rights, International Relations courses, the final closure of its BA History course, and proposed severe staffing cuts in Media and Communications and Film Studies. This represents a concerted attack on the provision of social sciences, arts, and humanities at Kingston. The university has given notice that up to 55 staff members are at risk of redundancy. The threat of redundancy comes despite the exceptional efforts of staff in teaching and supporting students during the pandemic.

The course closures and job losses in these subjects follow a catalogue of poor management  decisions in the organization and marketing of courses over the last four years. Academic staff have repeatedly been sidelined and overruled when they warned of the negative impact of management decisions. Now teaching quality, student experience, staff workloads, and wellbeing are all threatened by the proposed job cuts.

The courses targeted at Kingston are part of a wider attack on the humanities, social sciences and arts, particularly in post-92 universities, that will dramatically narrow student choice, access, and participation in these critical subject areas. This would undermine Kingston’s commitment to widening participation, and reduce student and staff diversity in the affected departments.

Kingston UCU and KU students are mobilising to resist these cruel and short-sighted management decisions. We are calling upon Kingston University to halt with immediate effect these cuts and closures, reinstate all suspended courses, remove the threat of redundancies, and commit to maintain current staffing numbers.

We will need the full support of the branch and all members of the University community in this.

What can you do?

  1. Support the campaign by signing and sharing this petition 

  2. Follow us on our social media accounts: Twitter: @kingstonucu @uni_kingston @savekupolitics. Instagram: @savekingstonuni @savekupolitics.

  3. Tweet and amplify using: #SaveKingstonUni #saveKUpolitics #saveKUhistory #saveKUmedia #saveKUfilm

  4. Add #SaveKingstonUni to your email signature for one day – tomorrow 18th May

  5. Share this post with colleagues who are not UCU members who care about the future of the social sciences, arts and humanities at Kingston University

Want to get more involved? Contact us if you want to join our dynamic team of staff and students on Slack, where we are organising together to fight for the future of this university.

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