Get Involved

YOU are the union!

UCU is a democratic organisation reliant on the large-scale participation of its members. Our effectiveness as an industrial force and professional body depends on how active local branches and individual members are.

There are many ways for you to get involved in UCU activity at Kingston:

  • Come to branch meetings and events (see Events for details)
  • Join our Slack channel for discussions, sharing resources and coordinating action locally.
  • Sign up to our discussion list (we recommend using personal email) UCUKINGSTONDISCUSSION
  • Be a departmental contact (keep the committee updated with your colleagues’ opinions on workplace issues, and talk to your department co-workers about union actions and activities)
  • Become a Kingston UCU Rep (training available, plus work time allocated for union duties). There are several unfilled posts on the branch committee.
  • Share your skills and time! Your help is needed with building and strengthening the branch, publicity, research, events organisation, education, design…

Whether it’s a little time talking to your department colleagues, sharing branch publicity, or getting involved in helping run a campaign you care about, or becoming a trained-up Rep, it all makes a difference .

Contact us to find out more, or chat to one of the Branch Committee members in your School or Faculty.