London Weighting

At our first branch meeting of 2024 we voted on a motion to campaign for an increase to the London Weighting Allowance. As set out in the motion below, the allowance at Kingston compares very poorly to the London waiting applied at other London universities. The motion received overwhelming support, with 97.3% of members in favour after 112 votes
Thank you to members for this support!
The current London Weighting allowance at Kingston University is not in line with the sector.
Kingston UCU notes:
Kingston UCU believes:
  • Kingston University has one of the lowest figures for London Weighting across London universities.
  • Actioning the London Weighting pay claim is necessary in the context of the continuing growth in cost of living.
  • Actioning the London Weighting pay claim is especially urgent given the real terms pay cut to staff over the last decade.
  • Addressing the real decline in London Weighting will ensure Kingston University staff are remunerated according to the standards of other geographically located universities in a high cost of living environment.
  • Increasing London Weighting to a competitive level will help with recruitment and retention of quality staff.
  • Increasing London Weighting will especially benefit Kingston University staff on lower pay grades.
Kingston UCU requires Kingston University to raise the London Weighting for its employees to £5,000 per year, pro-rata, and to continue to apply national pay awards to this figure.