How to vote
You will be posted a ballot paper for the UCU Rising pay & conditions dispute to the address you gave when you subscribed as a UCU member. All ballot papers should be returned in the single prepaid envelope provided. The ballot will open on 21st February and the deadline to cast your vote will be 31st March. Vote as soon as you can, don’t leave it to the last minute.
To check which address your ballot paper will be sent to, visit My UCU or phone 0333 207 0719. It is very easy to check and change your details – here’s a video explainer from UCU Yorkshire & Humberside
If you don‘t receive your ballot paper you will be able to order a replacement using the online ballot replacement request form.
If you are not yet a member, you can Join UCU and cast your vote in the ballot.
See UCU Reballot FAQs for more details about the ballot.
Why vote
2016 government legislation put additional legal restrictions on trade unions trying to take industrial action, including a 50% turnout threshold. 50% of UCU members nationally must participate for the vote to count.
This means that if you don’t vote, you don’t just silence yourself, you stop the voices of other members being heard.
In our last (disaggregated) ballot in the Four Fights dispute 2021-2, 71% of Kingston members who voted were in favour of strike action and 85% in favour of action short of a strike, with a turnout of 59% so we were able to take action on this democratic mandate.
However, in the 2019 ballot, 74% of Kingston members who voted were in favour of taking strike action and 85% in favour of action short of a strike, but under 50% of members took part, so the vote was not valid.
- If you want to take strike action and action short of a strike, vote Yes/Yes.
- If you don’t want to take strike action but are willing to take action short of a strike, vote No/Yes.
- If you don’t want to take action at all, vote No/No.
Whatever your choice, please vote. Let’s make this ballot count!